digital painting2: Revisions

fashion magazine

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fashion magazine

[스크린샷 2014-05-27 오전 12.39.44.png]

fashion magazine


fashion magazine

new [2C3A51C8-EDC3-49AA-8277-E99C0C61A56C.JPG]

fashion magazine

HOME new [image]

fashion magazine

HOME digital painting new [image]

fashion magazine

HOME digital painting new [image]

back of man

HOME digital painting new [image]

back of man

Added tag - fashion

HOME digital painting new [image]

back of man

Added tag - man

HOME digital painting new [image]

back of man

Added tag - ilust

HOME digital painting new [image]

back of man

Removed tag - ilust

HOME digital painting new [image]

back of man

Added tag - illust

HOME digital painting new [image]

back of man

HOME digital painting new [image]

back of man

HOME digital painting new [스크린샷 2014-06-03 오후 5.41.36.png]

back of man

20140603 [image]

back of man

20140603 [image]

back of man

HOMEback of man [image]

back of man

20140602 [image]


[스크린샷 2014-06-04 오후 8.38.04.png]


HOME digital painting(~~~ 06,02,2014) [image]


HOME digital painting(~~~ 06,02,2014)[스크린샷 2014-06-08 오후 11.05.05.png]

digital painting2

HOME digital painting(~~~ 06,02,2014)[스크린샷 2014-06-08 오후 11.05.05.png]

digital painting2

HOME digital painting(~~~ 06,02,2014) [스크린샷 2014-06-26 오후 6.46.56.png]

digital painting2

HOME digital painting(~~~ 06,02,2014) [스크린샷 2014-07-22 오후 9.12.03.png]

digital painting2

HOME digital painting(~~~ 06,02,2014)[스크린샷 2014-07-22 오후 9.28.23.png]

digital painting2

HOME digital painting(~~~ 06,02,2014) [스크린샷 2014-07-28 오후 2.03.02.png]

digital painting2

HOME digital painting(~~~ 06,02,2014) [스크린샷 2014-09-01 오후 3.41.16.png]

digital painting2

HOME digital painting(~~~ 06,02,2014) [스크린샷 2014-12-21 오후 2.24.02.png]

digital painting2

HOME digital painting(~~~ 06,02,2014) [스크린샷 2014-12-21 오후 6.47.57.png] [image]

digital painting2

HOME digital painting(~~~ 06,02,2014) [image]

digital painting2

HOME digital painting(~~~ 06,02,2014) [스크린샷 2015-12-19 오후 8.55.26.png] [스크린샷 2015-12-19 오후 5.20.51.png]

digital painting2

Repairing bad index entry

HOME digital painting(~~~ 06,02,2014) [스크린샷 2015-12-19 오후 8.55.26.png] [스크린샷 2015-12-19 오후 5.20.51.png]